The individual teachings in our retreats are all structured in conscious sequence, with each session designed to work in coordination with the one previous and the one following – together they are designed to move you within and beyond!
One of the unique aspects of a BeYond Retreat is that your treatment and journey is unique. Over the years Tanya and Michael have trained in, developed and further refined a range of tools all designed to help bring you back into balance. How exactly they employ these tools is a largely dependent on you: where you are at, mentally and physically; how you respond; what your previous experience is, etc. However, through their years of experience Tanya and Michael also know how each of their therapies support the others. The entire package truly is greater than the sum of the individual parts. As you experience each one, sometimes in repetition, your frequency is being changed, harmonized and brought to a higher level.
Each treatment or session has its own function and there is always an intentional design behind the flow of these sessions. For instance, the yoga class is always combined with the deep practice of meditation, healing and spiritual guidance. The yoga asanas are the “opening tool” to your heart (in the stillness of the meditation you find everything). This preparation enables Michael to share with you a much deeper Reiki or Water meditation session. Which in turn helps you go much further in the following coaching session. You are more open to the questions Tanya poses and able to sense more acutely the answers she provides around the direction you should take in your life or other choices you need to make (work, partner, family, etc).
Wave upon wave strengthens the process.
Throughout it all, Tanya is constantly using her clairvoyance to resolve your physical and psychological pain, discovering their origins and helping you to release. For his part, Michael is regularly tuning in to you energetically and providing you with the particular esoteric knowledge that you need to move you further. The process is intuitive and specific for each visitor.
A daily schedule is typical build up with 3 session each day with mix of shared sessions and individual sessions, depending on what retreat you are attending:
In a small group retreat there is a fixed program – but always channeled and customized to the group.
A private 1 person retreat and private couple the program is 100% made to you for giving you the deepest experience as possible. The program can be adjusted day by day.
Your own group retreat the program will be made according to the goal of the group.
Soul Path Clairvoyance...BeYond INSIGHT
Soul Path Clairvoyance sessions with therapy, healing & regression with Tanya
Your personal health pathBeYond HEALTH
Complete health guidance to heal diseases! Stay strong & Live healthy! with Michael
Start the day with....BeYond OPENNESS
Reaching deep within your heart through prayers, mantra chanting, powerful yoga asanas & meditation with Tanya
Discovery talks...BeYond SATSANG
Discovery talks on Awareness & Reality – the modern Satsang with Michael
Connect to your power...BeYond POWER
Empowerment training & meditation with Michael
Transform and feel deep joy...BeYond MUSIC
Release, shift & feel deep joy through music movement/dance and meditation.
Master Alchemic...BeYond TOUCH
Master Alchemic Healing & Reiki with Michael
Deep relaxing to the state of bliss....BeYond FLOW
Floating session with mixture reiki and watsu – a true aquatic soul dive! with Michael
Transform & find deep peace in natureBeYond NATURE
Magical guided meditative walk/jogging in the nature followed by meditation with Tanya/Michael
Tantric therapy....BeYond TANTRA
Tantric therapy evolving the heart & the sexual energy. No sex involved in the teachings! with Tanya and Michael
Transformation Meditation in the water...BeYond WATER
Transformational exercises & meditation in the water element to go deeper within and BeYond
Individuals, Couples, Groups..
Discover the retreats in our 2 magical locations: Tuscany Italy & Goa India and of course our Online Experiences!

“I have joined Tanya Apriles yoga and meditation classes both in Copenhagen and Italy, and she is by far the best yoga teacher I have studied with. She is attentive to each yogi in the class – and her guidance allows my practice to develop much further. Her insightful, spiritual and deeply inspiring meditation guidance is allowing for a deep practice no matter how experienced you are. I can highly recommend her yoga retreats and meditation classes. She is absolutely phenomenal.”

“The retreat by Tanya and Michael in the beautiful hidden paradise village Bagno Vignoni really did me well. Going through large life changes I felt I wanted to go somewhere where I could get proper guidance by professionals and this I really got. Tanya and Michael really complements each other and were excellent hosts . There was time for your own reflections and the schedule was of perfect balance. I also enjoyed time with the other people who were their for their individual journey. I now feel that I have more tools than I had before and can see my path more clearly. I would highly recommend this retreat to anyone who wants to relax, heal, develop and grow. The surroundings and the village Bagno Vignoni is a place I will return and I loved the hotel and food. See you soon T & M
With Love Maria. I am so grateful that I got to experience this life changing retreat! Can’t wait to go back in September!”